Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North

Seeking Inner Guidance

Finding Your True North

Finding Your True North is connecting to our inner guidance, that part of our selves that possesses all of the wisdom and insights to guide us through life. Think back.  Take a moment to remember when you were growing up.  As a child, what was it that you wanted to do when you grew up?  What were your favorite passions and interests?  Take a moment to list all of those things that you loved as a child.  Then list all of the things that you had dreamed about doing.  Don’t judge them.  Just jot down the thoughts, dreams and aspirations that come into your mind.

As you moved through life, what influences kept you from achieving those dreams?  You might have had parents that did not approve or maybe you did not pursue a passion because it financially did not pay well.  As we move through life we are constantly bombarded by the judgments of society at large, and by family members, coworkers, significant others, and friends.  As these judgments and beliefs pile up, it becomes hard to distinguish between what is ours and what belongs to another person.

In a study by Yale University titled “Self-Esteem in the Hands of Society: An analysis of the main societal factors that influence our self-esteem,” the researchers find that our self-esteem is impacted at a early age – middle school age.  One of the most obvious impacts is on body image but self-esteem overall is impacted and can last a lifetime.  We learn at an early age that to receive love and appreciation, we often must conform to what others think or want. And the researchers found that the societal pressures lead to a greater propensity of depression – the person is following another’s dream and not his or her own!

Conformity in Life is Powerful

In 1935, Solomon Asch performed a conformity experiment.  The study focused on the “extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform.”  In over 12 clinical trials, approximately 75% of participants conformed at least once.  His research along with others in the field of psychology begs us to consider when we are influenced or go along with others rather than our own guidance.

It’s not just our family members and those close to us that are influencing our beliefs.  Each day we are consumed with TV advertisements, Facebook posts, radio talk shows and other influences that ask us to believe one way or another. Every day!  It requires us to be vigilant in wiping away the judgments of others and becoming personally centered to hear and know our own inner Truth.

A Beautiful Lakota Tradition:

In a beautiful Lakota tradition, the custom of knowing yourself and following your True North is known as “Hanbleciyapi” or the crying for a vision or vision quest.  Native Americans of the Lakota way are encouraged to take time in solitude and in nature for several days and nights.  Asking the Great Spirit for information on the purpose of life, they return with insights and a deeper connection to his or her intuition.  It’s time away from all other influences and time dedicated to hearing your True North.

Finding Your True North requires solitude, listening and a daily routine to check in on what is yours and what belongs to others.

Begin today….