Community is the Key to Success!

In studying and exploring the ancient healing practices of the Native American traditions, I have always appreciated the focus on one key aspect to an individual’s healing — community.  Many in the Native American traditions, as well as other ancient healing practices, believe that a person who feels a deep sense of connection to their family, friends and community has a …

Focusing on Being a Better You - Four Directions Wellness

Focusing on Being a Better You

“Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long and, in the end, it’s only with yourself.”      ~Mary Schmich This famous quotation from the Chicago Tribune journalist, and made into a Baz Luhrmann song, touches on multiple sentiments prevalent in today’s culture. There’s the rat race we’re all supposedly competing in. …

Radical Self-Care for a Balanced Life - Four Directions Wellness

Radical Self-Care for a Balanced Life

Anne Lamott, the celebrated, quirky and funny writer of books on writing and spirituality, recently gave a TED talk entitled, “12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing,” in which she spoke about something she called “radical self-care.” “While fixing and saving and trying to rescue is futile,” Lamott says, “radical self-care is quantum, and it radiates out from you …

Mind-Body Connection

Mind-Body Connection He walked into my office and immediately I could tell.  He was holding his whole week’s worth of issues and challenges all over his body.  He was running late for our session.  Work was crazy, the traffic was horrendous and his youngest child did not want him to leave the house where he had been working.  Yet, I am fairly certain …